Running a small business can be challenging. You have grand ideas stomped on by reality numerous times a week, and usually between coffee and heavy breathing wish you knew how to code. Approaching web developers can be scary - so when Roz began working with Paola and Adolfo and seamlessly launched a new Tsuno subscription platform focused on experience, she knew she wanted to share more on them and their brilliance.
Small business owners this one's for you.
First up, tell us what you do and why you do it :)
Professionally, I'm a hybrid between a designer and a developer, I enjoy building user experiences and solving problems. I remember Roz once said "You guys are like magicians in my eyes" and in a sense being a web developer does feel like you have a magic wand, you're able to bring ideas to life in a very short time and have an impact on so many people across the globe.
Could you walk us through what the Tsuno app was like to work on?
The idea for Rebundle, the app that powers the Tsuno subscription experience, came from several years working with subscription businesses and a conversation with Roz. She was looking for ways to improve the experience for Tsuno customers but didn't have the budget to engage on a custom build. I was very well familiar with the challenges she was facing as I had encountered them often, in different companies, from completely different markets.
After the chat, I talked with my husband, who's also a developer, see if he'd be down to build an app with me (he's got a different skillset than mine, and one that was essential to this project!) we figured that if we could build an app that could solve the needs for Tsuno, it could also be used by other businesses, and so we started building what is now Rebundle.
What does the app do exactly?
Rebundle is a Shopify app that adds a clean, intuitive build-your-own-box-experience to your Shopify store. Customers can pick and choose their favorite items to build their subscription box, and then update their selection as needed from their account.
You helped a lot in navigating a daunting task for us, making it so much more user friendly for our subscribers! Have you worked with other small businesses before and what's the best way for others to reach out to you, especially those seeking help with subscription services?
I've been working with small businesses all my life and I feel really fortunate about it! Recently with Rebundle, we've had the opportunity to work closely with businesses from different verticals - from bakeries, restaurants and meal services to soap companies and of course period companies! :) The beauty of working with small businesses is that we keep a close relationship with the owners and can hear first hand the challenges they're facing and the feedback they're getting from customers, which help us make our app better, which in turn helps make their services better :) You can reach us by email at
We're also interested in what it's like to be a web developer living in Colombia?
It's great! We live up in the mountains, where the weather is always good and the trees are evergreen :) During the pandemic we made the decision to move to the countryside to a small cabin we had been building. It's been a blessing for us, we're surrounded by trees and far from the chaos of the city. This is one of the highlights of working on an industry so well adapted to the virtuality.
Do you geek out on apps as web developers and have hundreds? What about a period tracking app, any favourites?
Huh, surprisingly I'm not a big app user, I only have the essentials, most of my screen time is spent working. For period tracking, I use an app developed by the people behind the Taking Charge of your Fertility book. The app itself is really basic and feels a bit old to be honest, but it works just fine for what I need, so I haven't yet looked for a replacement. If you haven't yet, please read that book, it changed my life! :)