Time to get to know Sam, who truly is an absolute delight.
It does feel like an eternity ago! It was so fun to work together on it though. 2020 was the longest, weirdest year of all time wasn’t it? Festive period was good! My brother got married, we got some beach time and sunshine after a really long winter in lockdown which felt like it lasted five years.
2021 has been great so far. We bought a house in the middle of last year so we’ve had lots of things to do – renovation wise – to keep us busy. Work wise it’s been a really positive start to the year. I’ve had a few exciting projects come my way for later in the year, and I am feeling very excited and inspired about what’s to come!
A lot of your work is cheeky while also raising awareness / sharing support around super important stuff - you’re doing an amazing thing sharing boobs and bodies and empowered men & women alongside the cutest characters ever. Tell us about what inspires you and your work?
I think as a female illustrator in the industry it’s important to champion female issues and body diversity. I also really enjoy drawing curves, boobs, big bums and things that make women special and different. If I can capture that in a way that makes people smile and feel empowered and also see a little of themselves in my work, then that’s a win for me!

Were you super creative as a child, colouring in walls and things? Tell us where your love for illustration has come from?
I guess I always leaned to more creative types of subjects and things while I was at school. I used to draw a lot in people’s diaries in a dorky cartoon style (it was pretty bad)... So maybe that’s a throwback? Who knows! I really got into illustration after I finished uni. I studied graphic design but over the last 10-ish years I’ve just fallen more and more in love with creating vibrant, fun illustrations and characters and I feel like it’s my calling! In the last few years I’ve really found my core style which helped me to build a cohesive body of work and I’m really loving seeing it across new spaces, prints and products!
Image by Tatanja Ross
Image by Tatanja Ross
Yes! Well, what I really love about Tsuno is how you have made buying period products fun and all your packaging is so full of personality. It's like each box is a little accessory! I wanted to build on that idea and make a design that is fun, friendly, cute and approachable. What better way to do this than put a bunch of little faces peeping back at you? I also channelled my younger self (who got her period pretty young) and what would she pick off the shelf without being embarrassed. I love how there is way less stigma around periods, talking about women's bodies and period products these days.
You had to draw it, we have to ask about it. Tiger King. What do we think Part Two is going to be about!?
Ooh good question! (spoiler alert!) Is he in jail now? I’m thinking Part Two is either about how many husbands Joe can manage to marry in prison… or about how his tigers hatch a plan to break him out of prison. Now that’s what I call good tv.
You’re about to become a mother (congratulations - such great news!) You shared that your boobs feel like they’re watermelons, any new developments you can share?
Thank you! It is very exciting times over here! New developments… yes. I’m at the point now where I’m trying not to buy pregnancy specific clothes because I think it’s quite wasteful and to be honest I find a lot of them daggy. So, this morning when I went on a walk with my husband I wore my usual activewear but I suspect my tum was sticking out a little bit below my top for a nice little peek-a-boo moment. Also constantly knowing where your nearest toilet is for wee stops is vital at this point.
Bonus Question: While you’re free of your period for a little while, do you have a go-to song, recipe, remedy or anything in between for PMS or period blues?
Well easter has just passed us and I love me some chocolate. You know those little Cadbury eggs that come in a pack of 15 or whatever? They are the best! I would probably also say that whenever I hear Raingurl by Yaeji, I get a good ol’ feelgood pickup. I find when I get my period I sleep really deeply, which is something that I’ve missed while being preggy.