Next Tuesday the 28th of May is a special day on the Tsuno calendar. It's International Menstrual Hygiene Day! A day celebrating periods? Why is this needed you ask?
Unfortunately the reality is still today, millions of people around the world are prevented from achieving their full potential just because they menstruate. On the 28th May each year, non-profits, governments, businesses and many individuals come together to increase awareness and action towards a common goal- a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.
A Period Friendly World to me looks like one where there is no taboo, stigma or shame, where everyone has access to safe and affordable products, education and period-friendly toilets.
And a world where, when a girl starts her period, it doesn't end her chance of getting an education.
I started Tsuno because I want to live in a period friendly and equal world, and I support Australian not-for-profit One Girl because they are dedicated to creating change in Sierra Leone, a country where people, especially girls, face extreme challenges and barriers to education due to poverty.
Tsuno donates 50% of our net profits to charities working to address poverty and empower women, including One Girl. To date we have donated $88 000 to One Girl! And we aren't stopping there.

To celebrate 10 years of TSUNO, our partnership with One Girl and 10 years of Menstrual Hygiene Day, I want to MATCH EVERY SALE up to the value of $5,000 with a donation to One Girl.* For example, if you order $50 worth of period products for yourself, I will match this and send $50 to One Girl. Get in quick - this only runs from 24th May 2024 until 11:59pm on 28th May 2024.
I use the words 'our support' for One Girl a lot, because even though it's my business, nothing happens without the support of you- my incredible community of customers who choose to use Tsuno products and keep this small business running.
So, please stock up for yourself, donate a box of pads to someone in need in Australia, and share with your friends so we can collectively have an impact and create the Period Friendly World we all want to live in.