Essentials For Women SA
In April 2015, Kelly Peacock and Amy Rust started a charity called Essentials 4 Women SA. E4WSA are a product donation campaign seeking sanitary items and new underwear for homeless and disadvantaged women, many of whom are victims of domestic violence.
These sorts of items are rarely donated from members of the public for a variety of reasons but mostly because they don’t realise these bare necessities are not provided to women in need for free.
Mission Statement for Essentials 4 Women SA
For disadvantaged women, Essentials 4 Women SA aims to provide the basic, but costly, items for feminine hygiene including sanitary products and underwear. Our passion for helping women promises to help empower and enhance the wellbeing and dignity for some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Core Principles for Essentials 4 Women SA
At Essentials 4 Women SA we believe that:
· Every women has the right to access sanitary products every month;
· Essential toiletry items are exactly that - essential - not a luxury, that every woman should be able to access;
· By making these items accessible to women in need, their dignity as a woman is enhanced.
Our long term goal is to get to a point in South Australia were vulnerable women no longer need to menstruate without dignity and to resort to disturbing decisions such a making the choice of either buying food or buying essential sanitary items.
We invite you to save the hassle of getting to the shop by buying a beautiful box (or more!) of Tsuno pads to support the women in need across South Australia.
More information can be found at our website or by following us on Facebook ( or Instagram (@Essentials4WomenSA) and use #Essentials4Women to share your support for the cause. These product donations can be tax deductible through E4WSA.
All donations are sent directly to the centre. Thank you!
Make this donation a gift and add a card here: