Hi Luli! Can you share a bit about yourself and the work you’re passionate about?
Hi! I’m Luli, a Latin and Brazilian illustrator. I live in a small town with my husband (we have been together since school <3) and 2 dogs and 1 cat. I've been involved with the manual arts since my childhood. I was raised by my grandmother so my hobbies and interests have always been linked to handmade craft. After graduating in Public Management I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in illustration, that was my path to happiness. I am passionate about what I do. I love meeting new clients and forming new partnerships, learning from each project, being able to create for brands that make a difference in the world, and working with creative minds and seeing the result printed on the streets.
Could you share the story behind your wonderful Tsuno artwork on our Super Tampons?
This was a very intuitive project; Roz gave me the freedom to create the atmosphere I wanted for the packaging following the existing color palette. As the palette had beautiful shades of purple, it brought mystical and fun elements to the illustration. I was inspired by the other beautiful designs that already existed on Tsuno's products, and the mystique and feelings of the menstrual period. Thus came to the world this illustration with human elements, moons, suns and stars!

We love the vibrant and playful nature of your illustrations. Could you share some of your favourite pieces or projects from your career that particularly resonate with you?
My first favourite is the poster I made to publicize the anniversary actions of the Copaíba Association. Copaíba has done an incredible job of reforestation of riparian forests in Brazil since the 90s, and it was wonderful to be able to collaborate with them to create an illustration in such an important project for my country's forests. The illustration mixes the anniversary concept with elements from the Atlantic Forest.

Another favorite of mine is inspired by my city's river, which bathes much of Brazil and Argentina. I've found that I love to go there with my husband and our dog for a swim as a way to recharge. Thus, this illustration came to the world: people in the park reading and petting pets, relaxing and enjoying their own time. If this illustration had a sound, it would be of birds singing!

Lastly, in this illustration I was able to draw the existing characters of O Boticário (a popular Brazilian brand) using my illustration style. It was a project with a lot of freedom, and these illustrations were part of the PecInfanto 2023 event, which became products and permeated presentations. Developing projects with clients who've become partners is always a pleasure especially when I get to draw with characters like Mickey Mouse!

Have you noticed any changes in your creative energy or approach to art during different phases of your menstrual cycle?
Yes! I definitely have stages within my cycle where my mood is more sensitive and I feel more lethargic. As a freelancer, sometimes it’s easier to handle it and give my body the time it needs. But sometimes there are many demands and it is necessary to produce art regardless of how my body feels. I always try to find a balance, listen to my body and take care of it with respect. The best tip can be comfortable clothes and lots of water. A loooot of water!
What's been inspiring you this week?
The rescue of the new family member! It is sad to see animals being abandoned, but there are many people willing to fight this practice. My husband recently rescued two puppies that were on the street and we found a home for one and adopted the other. She still has no name, but is already getting along very well with our other dog Django. However, our cat Tobias has not given much space for her yet! hahah The truth is that real life away from screens and online engagement is what inspires me and recharges my energies. Life can be complicated and full of mishaps, but it is beautiful and I think every relationship, every exchange, every life, is worth being looked at with affection.